How to join

Interested in joining? We would love to hear from you.

For enquiries about joining 1st Bentleigh Scouts, please email our Group Leader James Horton or call on 0422 488 302. You may also wish to review our frequently asked questions section below.


Can I try scouting for free?

Yes, anyone interested in scouting is most welcome to come along and see what you think. All new Chums are welcomed by leaders and issued with a buddy to help guide you through your first few weeks. If you think you’d like to join then great, if we’re not for you, then that’s OK too, we just hope you enjoyed the time you did spend with us.

What does it cost?

Annual fees are $330 (pro-rated for part year membership).

There is also a $35 joining fee which covers the initial costs such as the scout book, scarves and badges.


Is Scouting just for boys?

Not any more. Girls are very welcome to join Scouts, which makes it an ideal activity for the whole family. Girls have been part of Scouts Australia since 1981 and now comprise around 25% of the national membership.


Is there a uniform?

A shirt and optional belt is all that makes up the basic Scout uniform. These items can be purchased from Snowgum stores or through second hand clothing pools run by many local Scout Groups. Scarves and badges are provided at no cost.

Can parents be involved?

Our group is run by volunteer Leaders supported by a volunteer Group Committee. Parents are encourage to get involved and assist the Group as much as possible. Please consider becoming involved and help to ensure the kids receive the best program possible. If you are interested in getting involved please contact us.


Does my child need to purchase special outdoor equipment?

No. We have or have access to a large range of camping and adventure equipment such as tents, ropes, canoes, and cooking gear. The cost of this equipment is met through local fundraising and your membership subscription.

Do Scouts go camping?

Camping is an essential part of the Scouting program – and its lots of fun too. Camping is introduced at age appropriate levels. Cub Scouts have sleepovers in the Scout Hall and Camps at Scout owned properties. Scouts, Venturers and Rovers experience camping in tents and under canvas in the great Australian outdoors.

What if my child has a medical condition, such as asthma or diabetes?

When you first meet with the Section Leader, it’s very important to discuss any medical conditions that your child has. Leaders have access to training to support children with many types of medical conditions. With the correct information, Leaders can plan risk strategies to deal with any medical issues should they arise.

For enquiries about joining 1st Bentleigh Scouts, please email our Group Leader Sheena Segbedzi or call on 0415 164 419. You may also wish to review our frequently asked questions section below.